08 julho 2013

SVE da Catarina em Craiova, Roménia

Already two months in Craiova, two moths that passed so fast that I feel I just arrived yesterday! Not two months of intense work or with a lot of activities but for sure two good months. 

Craiova is a beautiful city, not my dream city but a good one! The people are very nice and generous, always ready to help and also curious about the volunteers: where are we from, what are we doing here, if we are enjoying Romania, why Romania and all the questions that my short Romanian vocabulary let me answer. 

Since the last weeks we went to kinder gardens a couple times per week and there I was surprised in a positive way for the quality of the installations and the education of the children. Kids are very curious about us and it’s amazing how we can develop our Romanian communication skills with little children. 

Last week for the first time we meet some of the children who will be involved in our project and finally this week we started the activities with them. Till now my first impressions about them were very positive and I hope to develop a good work with them! 


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